Parish: St. Clare Parish; Wrightstown, Greenleaf, and Askeaton Birthday: August 18 Holy Name of Jesus House of Formation 2589 S. Webster Ave. Green Bay, WI 54301-2951
Which saint should people invoke for your vocation? St. Thérèse of Lisieux. She has proven herself to be a patroness of mine throughout my discernment. I admire her “little way” and pray for the same humility she displayed throughout her life.
Coffee or tea? Tea is refreshing after a long round of golf or a day of working outside. Coffee only tastes good after an exorbitant amount of creamer and sugar is added. If Jesus drove a vehicle during his public ministry, what would it be? Jesus would have driven a Jaguar convertible, not only because they look incredible, but because his hair would look fantastic blowing in the wind. I would also imagine that Jesus was environmentally friendly, so the car would have to at least be a hybrid, if not an EV. What is your ideal way to spend the Lord’s Day? Ideally, it would be a cool fall day, sunny and somewhere in the low 70s, high 60s. I would start the day off with a round of golf, ending with a score of 78 with zero golf balls lost, then head to Mass, and spend the rest of the day watching football with my friends and family. If you could celebrate Mass anywhere in the world, where would you and why? Celebrating Mass in the catacombs under Rome would be a dream come true. The Roman catacombs would have been where the earliest Christians celebrated Mass in secret during times of persecution. It is also the burial site of many early Christian martyrs, making the site sacred and solemn. Celebrating Mass with those martyrs that fought for me to be able to celebrate the Mass without fear of persecution would be both powerful and fruitful. It would be a beautiful way to display our triumph over the adversity many early Christians had to endure. What spiritual book or author has most influenced your journey of discipleship? The book “Maurice & Thérèse: The Story of a Love” by Patrick Ahern has altered the way I look at relationships and the bond we all share through our spiritual tribulations. Maurice was a seminarian in France who aspired to become a missionary but realized he would require assistance from someone much holier than himself. He needed strength and holiness, two things he didn’t have, so naturally he turned to the local Carmelite convent for a boost in strength. The mother superior assigned Thérèse to Maurice. Her only job was to pray for him and for God’s will to be done through him. They exchanged 15 letters total before Thérèse passed away. This book catalogs every letter they sent. The reader is thrown into the lives of these two individuals, which allows you to experience the brotherly and sisterly love that was shared. The struggles these two endured was very apparent, which consoles me in my times of defeat — knowing that even great saints had bad days as well. How is the Eucharist meant to foster unity in the Church? Catholics around the world unite every Sunday to partake in the Holy Mass as people from all walks of life come together to praise God. The Eucharist is at the core of the Mass, the main event so to speak. Jesus is the focal point of the Mass and should be the reason you want to attend weekly. He nourishes us through the Eucharist, which can ultimately only be found in the Mass. We are united through the Mass because of the Eucharist. Going up for Communion symbolizes our oneness in Christ: that we are all children of God and are equally loved by him. Hatred towards a neighbor is hatred towards a child of God, which is especially prevalent when we go up to receive him. All division should fade away at that moment because we are all one with Christ while receiving him. The Eucharist is also unique to the Catholic faith; it is something that sets us apart from other religions and Christian denominations. You should know if someone is Catholic by the way they talk about Jesus, because we are able to receive him every day.