The Kairos Year is a yearlong formation opportunity dedicated to helping men who feel called and have a desire to serve Jesus Christ as a priest begin their formation to the priesthood.
The word, "Kairos" is Greek for an appointed time and the Kairos year is exactly that, a time for young men who are serious about discerning God's possible call to the priesthood.
The main focus of the Kairos Year is to help the men to grow in the knowledge of the faith and of themselves by providing them with a foundation in Sacred Scripture, Catholic Church teaching, working with the poor, deepening their relationship with the Trinity through prayer and helping them to understand what it means to live out the Priesthood of Jesus Christ in the Diocese of Green Bay.
The program will help discerners become the men that God is calling
them to be so that they can be the holy priests our Diocese needs.
If you believe that God may be calling you to the priesthood or you are simply open to that call, let's sit down and talk.
Let's Talk